August 10, 2011, Anaheim, CA – Dr. Robert Ornelas, Top Advisor of Youth Development for the Republic of Burundi Africa, was called in this past week by an organization, Fire of God Outreach, to visit with the Crow Nation youth. Dr. Ornelas and members of the tribe sat with the Tribal Council to discuss the issues at hand within the community concerning the youth, water sanitation, drug use, alcohol abuse, and survival of the culture. During his and his team’s two day stay, The S.O.G. Crew and Fire of God Outreach hosted a successful event in the city park complete with food, raffled items, music, and dance contests! Both the young and the adults came out with their lawn chairs, skateboards, and dancing shoes to enjoy the evenings! Words of encouragement towards the youth and their family members to join together and believe in love for one another came from the speakers as Dr. Ornelas spoke on the microphone both nights. Many confessed, poured their hearts out and joined hands in prayer together for each other’s families. Although the reservation authorities have placed a ban on the sale and use of alcohol, several have made their way off the reservation to intoxicate themselves only to return and suffer injuries from a car crash or train wreck at their own demise. Efforts by the Tribal Council and organizations such as; Fire of God, The S.O.G. Crew, and the community, to encourage both youth and adults to understand the consequences of their choices have been the priority of late. Dr. Ornelas with his team, The S.O.G. Crew, will be returning to the Crow Nation later this month to continue the intervention process with the people. Please keep the mission in your prayers along with the families involved. Much success has already been witnessed, but there is still much change needed. Thank you and God bless.
Had such a good time with the Crow, excited about all our new family out there....blesssings to you all!