Monday, July 12, 2010

Elite TV/The S.O.G. Crew and Ex-Pro Skate Boarding Champion Dennis Martinez

Elite TV and The S.O.G. Crew volunteer to perform and speak words of encouragement at ‘The Training Center’ Sunday July 12th in San Diego, Ca. The Training Center is a program designed for men just released from prison battling crime, gang violence, drug addiction, and alcohol abuse. Dennis and his staff work daily to encourage and motivate these men to make a difference in the world and use their lives as examples, to tell the young people of today not to make the same mistakes as they did. The S.O.G Crew’s performance inspired these men to continue to push forward, stay clean, and that party-ing in a life of sobriety is very possible. Check out more on The S.O.G Crew at And be on the lookout for Dennis Martinez’s new reality TV show ‘The OTS Project’ featuring “Welcome to My World” by The S.O.G Crew.

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